Industrial TCP/IP
Linux ARM base controllers. Control via the web...Both AC and
DC applications.
Build-in web
server on any module,
control from any PC, tablet, smart-phone...
Don't overpay for
your controllers HMI, PLC and drivers. Embedded-Win, BSD or Linux inside!
We offers a wide range of small form factor ARM
base computers for industrial avionics and military
applications. let us match your application needs.
The VERISCENE™ Line of products -Industrial small
form factor ARM Computer designed for automation and control
Ethernet TCP/IP and Web technologies.
The VERISCENE™ Line of products are a powerful
Linux base PLC like board with a built-in HMI Operator Panel,
comprising a verity of color touchscreen display. On-board I/Os;
Plug-in I/O Modules come in several configurations. I/O
Expansion modules enable integrating up to billion I/Os per
Key Features:
Wide variety of ARM processor.
Custom enclosures with almost unlimited I/O
Both 50HZ/60Hz and 400Hz "wild-frequencies"
AC and DC power supply.
PIVOT-CONTROLSTM Motor Management System
(PC-MMS) Advanced motor management system for critical
Rich range of embedded features such as
multiple Servos motor, PID loops, and internal 3G data table
for data logging.
Communication include TCP/IP Ethernet.
Additional an optional old protocols such as RS485, RS232, MODBUS, SPI BUS,I2C BUS and CANopen.
Networking and custom remote access for data
acquisition and program download.
To see how VARISCENE technology
can fit in you application, call (704) 366-HELP (4357) or drop
us a line at

Shown above
for TCP/IP
Fast Ethernet HMI & 33 PID motors control module

Shown above
Fast Ethernet 12VDC, 24VDC and 28VDC control module

VariScene TM - custom Software
VariScene custom Embedded-win, Linux or BSD Software package
comes preinstalled on all products.
VariScene TM - RGB-WW LED-Custom-Light-Fixtures

To see how VARISCENE technology
can fit in you application call (704) 366-HELP (4357)